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Got a call from a consumer today who is not a happy camper.

She was beating her head against the wall trying to coordinate a new system installation with her alternative dial tone provider who had also thrown a monkey wrench into her decision process. 

The CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier) had strongly hinted that she should choose their equipment offering. Reasons given for why she HAD to choose the CLEC provided equipment were a bit shady at best.  She was completely confused and believed she was being fooled around with.

How seriously sad for our industry when customers are targeted, manipulated and captured without hope of release from long term contracts and other nefarious tactics beyond any test of reasonable-ness.

The customer, let us call her Jamey Head Hurts had just signed a 2 year contract with the competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC).  That company had also just bellied up and had been bought out and re-structured.  So even though the playing field and sport had changed, the customer was still tied and beholden to their contract.

Jamey the confused customer had already contacted and gotten pricing for a new phone system.  They were leaning toward Avaya.  Then the CLEC pours a pound of poop on her plans and insists that she MUST buy a system from them.  No specific provable threats but inclinations enough to make customer believe that other phone system hardware would work quite as good with their dial tone services.


I think that is an exact quote.

A topic for another day is the abysmal performance by ALL Local Exchange Carriers including whatever serves for the local former bell operating company in your area.  I am on a constant search for ONE, just ONE example of a high speed, voice or data installation that went off on time and within scheduled parameters.  Just ONE.

Jamey Head Hurts is an ongoing example of the next chapter of customer telecom issues to beware!

Continued HERE.... customerbeware 2.htm



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