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Customer Expectations - Understand and Succeed!

The most important asset of any company is customer satisfaction. 

  • There is only one way to grow your business. There is only one way to achieve customer satisfaction and that is to understand your customers' expectations.

  • There is only one way to understand customer expectations. Ask!

Want I should cut to the chase?  Customers expect their voice - data - network - IT systems and services to make them money.  For most customers, the only excuse for having any technology is to increase business.  If it doesn't, they won't buy it. Or even worse, they will throw you out.

Remember your first date?  Your mom told you to ask your date to talk about themselves?  Your dad told you to keep your damn mouth shut? 

Those rules pretty much apply in business too.  Ask your customers about themselves and keep your mouth shut until they are finished and then ask them more. Why do this? It is the best and only way for you to understand what your customer expects from technology products and services.

Listen between the lines and ask questions about that space. For example, a customer will tell you that their phones and network are the front door to their company.  What does this mean?  It means they depend on 100% reliability, 24/7/365 response to service requests.

Ask about their business, their products and services.  What do they make and sell?  How do they accomplish these sales?  Ask for a tour of their facilities and ask about how new business comes in. Do they have humans to answer phones or do they use auto attendant?  How much of their new sales come through the internet. Ask about where they see themselves in five years. Ask what kind of technology plans they have.

While you are asking these questions think about how and when your company fits in. Are you following me yet?  Listen very closely to what your customer is telling you.  They are begging you to understand them.  When you speak intelligently about your customers products, plans, hopes, dreams, visions ... they will remember you when it is time to move, change or upgrade.

Create a customer database file.  You can go plain or fancy with this.  A file folder or a notebook should contain all of the things you learn about your customer. Keep track of customer plans with a 'tickler file'. When your customer has plans to move in 6 months, be sure to contact them in plenty of time to offer assistance.

If you pay attention to what your customer says, you can be their salvation and dependable partner for all of their technology needs.

Cross- reference your tickler file and use contacts and knowledge to improve your business cash flow.

 Lets say that you are called to a customer location because an alarm services company pulled a cable pair at random to connect their system.  This brings down the company president's fax or other line out of service.  The alarm company denies any guilt and refuses to fix their mess correctly.  So what do you do?  Some options come to mind. 

  • Go out and disconnect the alarm line and put it back where it came from. 

  • You could call the alarm company on behalf of your customer and insist they send someone out to meet with you. Now.  

  • Or... how about this?  Add alarm services to your company product offering. If that seems too much, strategically align yourself with a reputable alarm services company and reciprocate work.

Keeping Your Mouth Shut ... More about understanding customer expectations HEREBack ] Next ]



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