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Re-Inventing The Wheel

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Welcome To My World - It's All About ME!
And Maybe a little about YOU!

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Customer Satisfaction

Anyone in the Telecom Bidnezz who knows me well will know that I preach Understanding Customer Expectations to achieve Customer Satisfaction.

If you are a telecom contractor who goes for sell, install, cut and run ... and you are so good at what you do that you don't need references or long term customers.... HA!  Who are you trying to kid? 

You losers can skip this section and continue to fail to thrive.

How many of you have ever had a customer invite you to lunch and paid for it?

How many of you have received holiday gifts  and birthday cakes from your customers?

I know a guy in the telecom bidnezz for whom this is an every day thing and he doesn't think anything of it.  I've watched him work for many years and his success goes beyond his easy smile, nice legs and a cute butt. 

He has EARNED trust by demonstrating a superb ability to understand his customers' expectations. He can tell you the product cycle and communications flow of every customer. When he visits a customer for the first time, he comes out knowing the make, model, age and condition of every piece of technology in the place. He knows who answers the phone and who hides behind voice mail. He knows which part of the warehouse the loud speakers don't reach. He knows which ones will forget to change holiday closure greetings on their auto attendant and voice mail systems. He knows which ones have persistent problems with lightning and storm damage.  He knows every customer in 'tornado alley' and flood plain zones.

He has an attentive demeanor, provides rapid response and knowledgeable technical advise.

He is doing very well and not sure what all this economic downturn stuff is about because you see, he understands his customers' expectations and earns their trust and loyalty. He doesn't even have to think about establishing a 'customer satisfaction system' because it just comes naturally to him.

So what have I done?  I've followed this guy for years and years. Watching, learning, writing down everything he does.  I've developed a 'system' that follows the idea that new skills can be taught and the only person You can change is YOURSELF!


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Contact Connie for information about a custom designed system for your company.  You might be pleasantly surprised at how comprehensive and inexpensive my system is. 


Your stories  are welcome!  We'll collect them, consolidate and publish.  No real names or people are used so fear not.  We'll protect your privacy and anonymity.








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Telecom Survival
Telecom Progress
Consumer Beware
Customer Expectations
Customer Satisfaction
Wall of Fame
Cellular Things

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