Connie's Blog!
Re-Inventing The Wheel

Constance R. Pottenger Web Log

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The information in this Telecom Trader Web Log is intended for communications contractors and the customers they serve. .
 Telecom Survival ] Telecom Progress ] Consumer Beware ] Customer Expectations ] Customer Satisfaction ] Wall of Fame ] Cellular Things ]

The Telecom Trader was started in 1998 as a cooperative effort between communications and information technology contractors specializing in voice, data, video, cable, networks, wireless, building and campus infrastructure, aerial and underground construction, engineering, manufacturing and more.  Virtually every aspect of communications technology is represented by the long time members of the Telecom Trader.

When you have ANY technology system or service need, please choose from our members. 

Join us if you are a communications contractor seeking the highest possible web search exposure for your specific business. 

There are many opportunities for ranting and raving in the telecom bidnezz.  I will make every effort to keep my blog up to date. Remind me if I forget.

Home ] Telecom Survival ] Telecom Progress ] Consumer Beware ] Customer Expectations ] Customer Satisfaction ] Wall of Fame ] Cellular Things ]

Here is something to think about:  What could you do with a Virtual Phone System?  Would you like to be able to use your existing phones?  Would you like your calls to follow you and your voice mails to reach you via email from anywhere to wherever you might be? Would you like a service oriented company with NO telco contact?

Take a look at this company - it could be a PERFECT answer for a small to mid sized business with people on the GO!

My 1 Voice is an affiliate market partner of The Telecom Trader.  Please NOTE:  I only get a bit of commission when you purchase a product or service from this sponsor.

Find me...follow me. Free trial!







Connie's Telecom Trader Web Log Index:Home ] Telecom Survival ] Telecom Progress ] Consumer Beware ] Customer Expectations ] Customer Satisfaction ] Wall of Fame ] Cellular Things ]

Home ] Telecom Survival ] Telecom Progress ] Consumer Beware ] Customer Expectations ] Customer Satisfaction ] Wall of Fame ] Cellular Things ]

Your stories  are welcome!  We'll collect them, consolidate and publish.  No real names or people are used so fear not.  We'll protect your privacy and anonymity.










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Telecom Survival
Telecom Progress
Consumer Beware
Customer Expectations
Customer Satisfaction
Wall of Fame
Cellular Things

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WeBeGeeks accepts no responsibility for any business transacted between any customer and all vendors/advertisers.  All blog contents are re-printable with permission and are copyrighted by Constance R. Pottenger 1998 - 2009.  All legal disclaimers and loopholes apply.