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Ok, so I invented the internet. Can't prove it any more than can Al
Gore. I can come darned close.
In some ways haven't we all invented and re-invented ourselves via the
internet? Got a chat line ID? Always tell the truth about
yourself on those lonely hearts sites? Sure you do.
Telecommuting has become the star performer I predicted way back in the
1980s. The Bell System divestiture had so many opportunities for
new industries, information technologies and telecom software that has met
our expectations.
In 1982 I became the Director of Telecommunications for a major metropolitan
university. Their voice communications were served by a rotary dial
step by step switch. A tour of our campus switching facility was an
archeological dig only appreciated by telecom geeks and their queen.
I find it interesting that youngsters in the business today are always
intrigued by the history and progress of our technology. They love to
come to my home where there is a fully loaded and operational cord board
switchboard. Mostly only used by grandchildren to call their
grandfather to dinner. The elder explains to the younger, "This is how
they used to call people for dinner in the olden days."
This next series, still under construction, is a look backwards in
technology and I hope to find some humorous anecdotes.
Internet Invention:
Ok, so I invented the internet. Can't prove it any more than can Al
Gore. I can come darned close.
In some ways haven't we all invented and re-invented ourselves via the
internet? Got a chat line ID? Always tell the truth about
yourself on those lonely hearts sites? Sure you do.
You might find this hard to believe, but I was actually AT the invention
of the internet and HE was nowhere to be found. I was right there at
the head of the pack sending messages that started with, "Hey, watchadoin?
Saw your kids at the mall last night..."
See more about ME inventing the Internet here....internetinvention.htm
Home Internet Invention
Your stories are welcome! We'll collect them, consolidate and
publish. No real names or people are used so fear not. We'll
protect your privacy and anonymity.
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