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Re-Inventing The Wheel

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Cellular Things 2: 

Were you all around a while back when I claimed to have invented the internet and telecommuting?  Interesting story if you have time: internetinvention.htm

Cellular things have taken telecommuting to newer and greater applications than even I thought possible in the 1980s.  And I have a pretty good imagination!

In the 1980s, I figured out how telephony and point to point circuits could achieve an at home work environment to cover illness or physical injuries requiring traction and such.

Now, cellular things have so totally opened up the world and our ability to be in constant contact with customers, projects, staff and service providers is at an unprecedented level.

Under the category of 'slow but reliable' I spent one winter vacation complaining that my husband spent so much time on his phone that it impeded my ability to have a splendiferous time.

Woah... wait a minute!  Did I really say that?

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So here I am, lounging on a sunny beach with boys in bikinis serving martinis and in exchange for that privilege, my husband is working on the phone.

So what is so wrong with that?  When you come right down to it, nothing is wrong with that.

We are in the telecommunications industry, should we not then shop at our own grocery?  We should be using our own products and encouraging our customers and employees to do the same.

Sure, you end up working harder when you use your Blackberry to fine tune a bid in the middle of a crowded airport. Is that really Sooooo bad?

We are the leaders of an industry that will ultimately allow us to break the cubicle farm into cyberspace!  We can effectively conduct our business from just about anyplace in the world. A laptop computer and a

So what if I have to browse the mall with my husband's credit card while he sits in the car coaching a customer through system programming changes.  How have I suffered?  



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Cellular Things


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