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Re-Inventing The Wheel

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The Garden
Pushing Spring 2009

Constance R. Pottenger ©

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Wholey smokes it is March again and I'm Pushing Spring harder than ever! You might notice from previous year's pushing spring failures, I've actually learned a few things. pushing spring.htm

This year I'm a little more organized with this web log and hope a bit smarter in my pushing spring activities.

Please enjoy and remember to visit our sponsors.  A few pennies here.....

Pushing Spring 2009 Topics:

Spring Flings and Garden Shows

Tea Cup On A Stick

Clearing Out and Beating Back The Forest Floor

Burning Brush but not the forest floor.

Planting seeds.... oh YES you can!!!

Transplantation - Think outside the box


Up TeaCups On A Stick Incompetent Gardener Pushing Spring 2009 Pushing Spring


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