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The Garden At Connie's Corner
Pushing Spring - Garden Shows

Constance R. Pottenger ©

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It wasn't even the official spring has sprung date when we were inundated with gardening shows and conventions.  The honey and I have been going to the Indianapolis Flower and Patio show since we were in high school.  His family was in the nursery and landscaping business and they always had a beautiful full garden display.

It was last Friday afternoon about 3:00.  The show was winding down or gearing up for the last weekend. There were plenty of close in parking places.  Should have been my first clue.  No line at the ticket booth where we shelled out $12.00 EACH to get in.

Should have paid attention to the most OBVIOUS clue when we went to the building we always went to and there was a sign pointing around the corner, down the sidewalk and across the street to what used to be the 2nd building of the Flower and Patio Show.

Although nobody cares about my opinion, I'll tell you with all honesty and a straight face that the Indianapolis Flower and Patio show was a complete BUST this year.  The reason our usual building entrance wasn't open was because the show didn't make it that far. The 'cattle barn' at the State Fairgrounds was as far as it went and as good as it got.

I think there is some good common sense in using a cattle barn for a flower and patio show.  All that organic fertilizer  smells a lot like the cow poop aroma that usually permeates the building no matter how hard they power wash the floors.  Truth be told, with all the flowers and food smells, the cow poop is pretty much sublimated.

So ok, there was only one building, we sighed at the $24 non refundable admission we paid and vowed to find one cool new thing at the show. There were famous horticulturists from Purdue scheduled for presentations in 2 hours. The lecture/show area was deserted.  There were waterless cookware and chopping knife demonstrations. All of the gardens were nearly identical in that they all used the same rocks.  And I don't mean the same color rock.  The same rocks. Every display used exactly the same rocks as the previous one did.  I'll admit that there isn't much huge variety in spring blooming flowers and shrubs but every display had every flower with very few exotic or interesting species.

There were no corn dogs which almost caused the honey to cry and came close to making us leave after only one short trip around the room.   That whole $24 thing got to us again so we groused about it and made one more slower more careful trip through the poorly described 'show'.

We found NOT one cool new thing.  We did show some interest in rain water collection and irrigation systems. The cost of which well and beyond exceeding our five year water usage bill.  Oh and it required a hole in the ground bigger than the swimming pool I want.  This is what I told the over eager sales boy, "There is no way in hell there will be a hole that big dug in my yard if there isn't a swimming pool installed in its place."  Hated to burst his bubble that way but he was just pissin' me off.  Ya know?

So we had seen what we could see, tried twice around to find one cool new thing.  We sat dejectedly on a bench and I looked at my watch.  It was 4:00.  One whole hour.  Oh great, we get to drive home in rush hour.

And then.... And then.... on Saturday we had just the greatest fun!  Keep Reading For the Coolest New Thing!

Home Up Garden Shows Garden Show 2 Clearing Out Pushing Back


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