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The Garden - Pushing Spring
Beating Back The Forest Floor

Constance R. Pottenger ©

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Chickadee Hill is nestled in Southern Indiana.  Brown County to be exact.  Gnaw Bone, ever heard of it?

Since we share our environment with some fairly dense forest, we often joke about our yearly 'beating back the forest floor.  When all our efforts of clearing out results in a mass profusion of new growth, we just sheepishly shrug our shoulders and say, "The best we can do is beat back the forest floor and enjoy.

Since the topic here is 'Pushing Spring', the photo on the left is an early spring photo of the up-top-out-back northern forest border.  This photo is after some beating back has occurred.  Imagine it the rest of the year with over grown scrappy brush, intrusive saplings and horrific thorn bushes. If you get caught in those thorn bushes, whoooo whee you'll be hurting!

Last year we decided on a 'barrier reef' of just plain mud.  That worked somewhat efficiently in keeping some of the overgrowth from encroaching over the yard.  Then again, we had mud. Lots and lots of mud.  Granddaughter #1 thought it a great place to plant her packages of 'wild flower seeds'.  Sooner rather than later the forest floor did encroach upon the 'barrier' and we hada hard time distinguishing the newly planted wild flowers from the weeds and  sticker bushes. 

Discovery!  Did you know that when you hit sticker bush roots with a roto-tiller, the chopped up roots just grow more sticker bushes?  Imagine that?

I took a different tactic with the south side of the up-top-out back forest floor.  I'm thinking MY way will be better in the long run. Continue.... HERE


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