Cash Flow Continued ....
So we're sitting on this perfectly good house and just letting it eat up
our 'cash reserves' every month with unavoidable costs and surprise
expenses too! This would be the same house that served as both our
home and my photo transfer and quilting studio.
I've been asked many times to sponsor seminars and classes on photo
transfer fabric arts. Don't know why I haven't done it. Too
many other things going on or more likely, too darned lazy. I'll
admit to some discouragement over the past few years in my efforts to
fail at positive cash flow. This includes many areas and interests
in my life.
In 1999 I had what could be the first publication EVER about photo
transfer fabric arts. We 'self published' and velo-binded and
packaged and sent.
In 2008 I thought it was too boring standing here printing and
binding and packaging and sending. (Notice I'm too stupid to check out
'self publishing companies')
I got the brilliant idea to turn my photo transfer to fabric
instructions into a web based publication. This idea was not one
of my better ones from the category of stinkin thinkin.
You can get access to these instructions
For the last nine months I've been working out the 'kinks' and
formatting errors as the conversion to web gobbledegook didn't go so
well for me. On top of that, I felt embarassed to charge for
something that might have an error or two in it. Instead I asked
for payment if the reader thought it was valuable and worth while.
Would you like to know how many people have asked for instructions in
the past 9 months? 5,000, Any idea how many people have paid for
instructions? Not so many as who would take it for free.
Imagine that I would consider this stupid idea an incredible failure?
Maybe I should lower my prices.
Then something interesting happened. At about the same time as
I realized how much one on one instruction time I was spending with
readers - I attended the seminar about positive cash flow. I have
an unused house and I teach photo transfer fabric arts. Might
there be a way to combine the two and actually have a smarter outcome?